Value creation activities

We are trying to put our customers on the first place whatever we are doing. We take their opinions into consideration as the starting point of all the business activities and produce spare auto parts that meet the customers' needs.
Tatsumi's manufacturing system and different management resources and values, for example, product development, human development, technical opportunities, global structure, flexibility and cooperation with business partners, serve to support the company in general.
We have been developing products which are valued and chosen by clients all over the world since our establishment. We have various stages of creating values in Tatsumi. Respective departments of the company concurrently work towards the commercialization of products while sharing the information with each other to quickly address customer needs with our goods. For example, our Product Development Department works together with the Customer Support Department in order to grasp better clients' requirements for the product quality. In addition, they thoroughly analyze the spare auto parts against which we benchmark our products in the market and visualize our targets by extracting specific questions for development.
We consider our technical capabilities create values for the clients. What is more, we suppose that true technical opportunities refer to the usage of our unique technologies to create auto parts and accompanying services in this business, for example, marketing help, that our customers demand, and engage in value creation that is beneficial for the customers. We pay a lot of attention to different production innovations as it also helps us to offer our clients the best products.

We do respect individuality and diversity among our employees. We try to cultivate human resources that can deliver superior value not only for our company but for the whole society. We have established several educational programmes for general staff and for managerial candidates. Long-term talent development is done in groups through such methods as improving understanding of team management by means of training.
We expand our business by establishing and consolidating new representations in many countries in Europe and Asia. Moreover, we reduce risks and maintain cost competitiveness for our customers.
Within rapid changes in the world business environment, we will be able to utilize our technology, knowledge, sales route and know-how to co-operate adaptively with our business partners in fields where our experience is not yet developed. We adapt to unpredictable changes in the auto parts market. We have established a unique system to enable us directly listen to clients' comments and instantly propose an appropriate technical solution for them. We are building partnership relations with our customers all the time – and this is our main value.